He loves it. Almost to a fault.
He loves it. Almost to a fault.
My 11month old love this app but she also loves to push the main iPhone button which switches back to the main screen and she starts sending texts. Can you put a lock feature on for infants so that only the parents can edit the game?
My 20 month old loves this app and he plays with it whenever he has the chance! He learns the names of the animals and the fact that kids say the names really grabs his attention. I bought all the peekaboo apps because this one was such a hit!
This is a great app for one year olds and my daughter still loves it at 17 months even though she can do more now. I really wanted to do no screen time til 2 years but then panicked about a plane ride and bought this and the other peekaboo apps. It has been so helpful for flights or events where I cant escape to run her up and down the hall or anything.