Both my boys (aged 1 and 2) like this game. It is cute. It doesnt hold their attention for very long though, as it is very repetitive and there is no variation in the animals (other than the order they appear).
My suggestions for the game is: -Add more animals with updates -have a couple different animations and audio samples for each animal. My 2 year old gets frustrated by the cute voice because it mispronounces words. It is very cute to hear him correcting the game consantly ("not Roosta - Rooster!") but he ultimately gets frustrated and randomly selecting from a couple different audio wouldnt hurt. -be able to open the barn door by swiping sideways (like photos) as well as tapping. The sideways swipe was my 2 yr olds first instinct and he tried it many times, and it could work well in addition to how it works now.
Mostly minor stuff - the bottom line is that youll get a couple mins max of entertainment out of this one. That may or may not be worth it for you.
Northern Dad about Peekaboo Barn